sexta-feira, setembro 22, 2006

CSI – Colombus Stolen Identity

Recently, something we took for granted and that we were still teaching in Schools, just a couple of months ago, all over the world, has been demystified - Pluto is no longer among the great planets of the galaxy, having been demoted to an embarrasing 2nd rank as a dwarf planet.
What happened to Pluto, makes one think what other subjects could be reevaluated, at the light of science and knowledge today.
However, that is not so easy as it sounds, for many a pompous scientist, professor, States or whatever, endorse or investe on the status quo and perpetuated the accepted version of the truth.

If any old Indiana Jones attempts to dig deeper and rescue some secrets from the grave, he is going to meet with a lot of resistance and even conspiracy, in an attempt to cover up the new data…
You are still a bit skeptic, right now – great, that’s the spirit, if you really want to uncover the truth and separate the facts from the fantasies.

One of the greatest shams ever accomplished, is that of the Italian founder of America, the man some intentionally or by mistake called, Christopher Colombus. Historians have had more doubts than certainties about this figure, but despite the lack of evidence, many sold their version of the navigator – sold is really the word to remember here…
So, if you never heard anything about a Portuguese “Colombus” or about the ongoing DNA tests, then keep reading – not my scribble, but the experts' investigations.

"What we have discovered is that historians and history books, no matter how hard they argue, cannot back up with facts his (Cólon) true name, his nationality, his date of birth and real family, his motivation and patriotism – not even his being the first man to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World with the certainty that we have been taught.
In actuality, the reverse is true. For every bit of documentation regarding the accepted details of the discoverer’s life, there is more documentation negating it. Historians have debated this issue for five hundred years, and most have wrongly decided that the Italian Cristoforo Colombo was the same man as Don Cristoval Colon, but the support for this accepted piece of the myth had many holes in it and was finally sunk in 2004 by forensic science. Forensic And DNA science proved, just as some historians had insisted over the centuries, that
Cristoforo Colombo was not Don Cristoval Colon." © by Manuel Rosa

(If you would like to read more, click the title of this post, above.)

terça-feira, setembro 19, 2006

O Flagelo de Átila

Pelo menos é honesto.
O caos saiu ás ruas da Hungria, depois de o primeiro-ministro ter confessado que mentiu para chegar ao poder.
Os Magyares naturalmente, mostram que ao contrário dos Portugueses, não foram totalmente desvitalizados, e reagem de maneira enérgica e clara, de maneira a não deixar margem para dúvidas, que não aceitam de ânimo leve que lhes faltem ao respeito, que os façam de parvos, que lhes quebrem a confiança institucional entre o povo e os seus representantes - em suma, não permitem que lhes façam o goulash na cabeça. Feitios…
Por cá, só se algo mesmo grave se passasse - algo terrível e monstruoso - só assim poderia eventualmente dar azo a bordoada, puxões de cabelos, e demais desacatos irreflectidos – algo medonho assim, só talvez uma assembleia-geral do Benfica, ou um cancelamento do espectáculo do Tony Carreira...

sábado, setembro 16, 2006


Radical Muslims are worst than children, with their tantrums and hysterical crying every time someone (especially westerners, but remember Rushdie) makes a remark on their religion – they are so god-damn sensitive about it!!
In turn, they do us the special favor of blowing our cities and plotting against the west from inside, thus showing their gratitude for our tolerance and democratic freedom.
Cardinal/Pope Ratzinger should have known better; indeed, to quote something mildly related with their prophet, is to give them to much credit anyway, and of course they would make a big deal out of it.
But at least, someone finally had the guts to say the truth about that obscure, dated religion.
In response, Muslims all over the world already came out “shooting”, distorting the Pope’s comments, insulting and defaming Christianity, and even threatening to bomb Rome and the Vatican.
Nothing really says better that Islam is not about violence, than those mobs boiling in the streets, shouting at the top of their lungs “death to the infidels”, and “jihad”, while they burn effigies of the Pope and prepare the explosive belts.

Ps - Btw, what about buddists, Cardinal/Pope? Those Shaolin monks are real badasses!

quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006

Conspiracy Theory Louder than Words

quarta-feira, setembro 13, 2006

Conspiração Monstruosa

É quase boa demais, para não querer acreditar que é verdade.

Os teóricos da conspiração construíram um bom caso, levantando varias questões sobre aspectos menos claros dos atentados de 11 de Setembro - e não será difícil a muita gente acreditar nessa hipótese, mais do que na célebre conspiração da Alunagem, ou na de Roswell, tendo em conta o desprezo que todo o mundo sente por esta administração Bush...

A ser verdade, Nova Iorque, será rebaptizada de "Nova Roma", e Bush Jr, o "Nero Jr" dos nossos tempos, que tal como o Imperador Romanorum, quase destruiu a sua cidade mais simbólica do Império, lançando as culpas sobre uma facção religiosa...

A comprovar-se a teoria da conspiração, cumpre-se ainda uma profecia - A vinda do Anticristo. Quem quer acreditar que George W Bush tem marcada a trilogia do 666 no corpo (que os há), não encontra melhor candidato que esse risível presidente, que, tal como na profecia, sob a capa enganadora da luta contra o mal, é o próprio mal encarnado.

Quem quer que seja o responsável/responsáveis, pela morte de todos aqueles inocentes, naquele fatídico dia, é da facto um ser abjecto e merece ser empalado pelo ânus.

A ser um ou mais Americanos, então muito pior...


Nós estamos habituados a ser roubados, enganados, ultrapassados e enxovalhados pelos nossos políticos em Portugal - mas chegar ao ponto de destruir o património e M-a-t-a-r compratriotas para "legitimar" negócios e guerras sujas???!!! Naaahh! Only in America...- The Truth is Out There...

segunda-feira, setembro 11, 2006

Ground 9-11

Let this date today be a truce for all of ye and your anti-Americanism.

Sure, Bush is a jackass, and so are all of those who voted for him – twice- but not all Americans should be thrown in the same shit-bag, along with McDonalds.

Some still embody the noblest qualities of that great country, like Forrest Gump, Tony Soprano or Arnold Swarzenegger.

As for the Islamic representatives in the west – I am tired of you whining that Muslims living in western societies are marginalised – in all western countries, Muslims have freedom of cult, are free to use their typical attire - no matter how ridiculous - and enjoy the same rights as normal people, including drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

On the other hand, if I had a sister and she would be unhappy enough to even visit an Islamic country in the Middle East, she would be required to cover her head, at the very least.

By the way, before you decide to hit this blog in any suicidal terrorist way, be aware that there could not possibly be 77 virgins in paradise waiting for your ugly, goat-faced “martyrs” – that sounds more like Hell for the lasses, and they’ve done no harm to deserve you, lobotomised dark age fanatics…

Ps - If all humans would use their energy to build, for mankind, instead of destroying, in the name of God or the almighty buck, this would be an even greater world to live in...

In rememberance of the 9-11 victims

sábado, setembro 02, 2006

Top 10 "Bushisms"

As 10 coisas mais estúpidas que o Presidente George W. Bush alguma vez disse

“Eu sei quão difícil é para você por comida na sua família.” — Greater Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000

“Eles desubestimaram-me.”—"Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000

“Raramente a questão é colocada: está as nossas crianças a aprender?” —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

“Os nossos inimigos são inovadores e engenhosos, e nós também. Eles nunca deixam de pensar em novas maneiras de atingir o nosso país e o nosso povo, e nós também não. —Washington, D.C., Ago. 5, 2004

“Nos passamos muito tempo a falar sobre Africa, como devemos. Africa é uma nação que sofre de doença inconcebível.—Gothenburg, Suécia, Jun 14, 2001

“A guerra contra o terror involve Saddam Hussein por causa da natureza de Saddam Hussein, a historia de Saddam Hussein, e a sua disposição para aterrorizar-se a si próprio. — Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003

“Também têm pretos?” — Para o Presidente Brasileiro Fernando Cardoso, Washington D.C., Nov. 8, 2001

“Eu sei em que acredito. Continuarei a articular aquilo em que acredito e aquilo em que acredito – eu acredito que o que acredito está correcto.” —Roma, Italia, Jul 22, 2001

“Eu só quero que saibam que, quando falamos de guerra, nós estamos na realidade a falar de paz.” —"Washington, D.C. Jun 18, 2002

“Eu também não sou muito analítico. Vocês sabem que eu não passo muito tempo a pensar sobre mim, sobre o porquê faço as coisas. — A bordo do Air Force One, Jun 4, 2003

"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
"They misunderestimated me." Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."
"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."
"Do you have blacks, too?"
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe — I believe what I believe is right."
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."